So, the truth of the matter is this. I am a spendaholic. Part time shopaholic, part time foodaholic, full time irresponsible spendaholic. So that's that.
I'm used to living life in the red, dodging bank statements and bills, lying to Mum and Dad "yes I'm fine for money don't worry about me", as well as living in blissful ignorance of my own bank balances. However, at the age of twenty-one, I can't help but feel it's time to draw the line. Well, I say "I feel", what I mean is "my mum feels". But she's right, obviously.
So. Next term at uni is going to be a strict budget operation. £40 a week is plenty I know, some weeks food will take priority, some weeks it will be Champagne, other weeks it will have to be a new outfit. But nonetheless, I intend to prove to myself that I can do this. After all, life in the negatives is no fun. It's just damn scary.
This should be fun.