Sunday 9 September 2012

The Latest Addition To My Beauty Regime...

As you may or may not know, I am a certified, self-confessed beauty regime obsessor. I'm constantly in pursuit of a "miracle cream" or an "innovative formula"...and recently I've been very content with my regime. Simple moisturiser, No7 night cream, St Ives microdermabrasion face wash, Garnier BB Cream, I thought I had it nailed!

But when I picked up this months InStyle and tried their Clinique freebie I couldn't quite contain my excitement. I have never used a cream which has given me instant results like the Turnaround Overnight moisturiser! Never! I actually felt like my skin was glowing...and usually I need to apply two kinds of highlighter before I get that feeling.

Anyway...I can't recommend it enough and if you don't believe me, go and snag a copy of InStyle for yourself and try it!