Monday 22 October 2012

Bejewelled Knitwear

Hello Lovelies! Last week, I discovered the most divine piece of knitwear. I like to imagine that if I were to die and come back reincarnated as a jumper, this is what I'd look like. But that's just wishful thinking. This jumper is soft, snuggly, the perfect mix of smart and casual and all round fabulous. Also, with it being a Topshop number, the lovely designers at Head Office have churned it out in three different colours so there's one for everyone! I've opted for the lovely blush colour, but they also have it in grey (not going to lie I'll probably be buying the grey one this time next week), black and burgundy.

I wore my new favourite thing at the weekend for Sunday Funday when my other half came down to visit me for the day! We had a lovely date day and enjoyed a little shopping spree (for him, not me) and then went to see Madagascar 3! Obviously I'm aware this is a children's film, but it was extremely funny and very enjoyable! If you fancy a few hours giggling then it's a must see. Here's a few snaps of my new outfit:

Jumper: Topshop (buy yours here)

Bag: Topshop
Jeans: Topshop
Ballet Flats: H&M